About us

About us

migesplus: Health information for all

The migesplus platform provides easy-to-understand information about health and life in Switzerland in various languages. We aim to ensure that disadvantaged population groups are well informed.

  • migesplus breaks down access barriers and promotes equal health opportunities.
  • We publish brochures, flyers, information sheets, explanatory videos, etc. in response to all the important health issues and questions about everyday life.
  • Our documents are written in a clear style in up to 50 languages, and can be ordered (mostly free of charge) or simply downloaded.
  • Tools for supporting and advising socially disadvantaged people.

What we do

We support:

  • professionals working with vulnerable people, providing health advice or treatment
  • volunteers, who provide care and support for refugees
  • prevention specialists who produce and disseminate health information and develop prevention projects
  • organizations that publish health information that also want to reach vulnerable target groups with their services

How we work

We offer:

  • a variety of centralized information services with a direct ordering platform
  • background information, tools and services for those working with disadvantaged population groups
  • counselling and training services to promote equal health opportunities in projects and services
  • help in disseminating health information through the migrant population’s own media and networks for disadvantaged target groups

Who we are

The migesplus team

  • Martin Wälchli, migesplus joint project manager, specialist in equal health opportunities
    Tel. 058 400 45 71 martin.waelchli@redcross.ch
  • Bülent Kaya, migesMedia project manager, specialist in equal health opportunities, advisor on projects run by the Alcohol and Tobacco Control Fund Tel. 058 400 45 13 / buelent.kaya@redcross.ch
  • Katharina Liewald, migesplus joint project manager, specialist in equal health opportunities, migesplus advice and services Tel. 058 400 45 24 / katharina.liewald@redcross.ch
  • Cheryl Meister, migesplus.ch content manager, assistant in equal health opportunities
  • Fabienne Ettlin, intern / ZHAW student in health promotion and disease prevention
    Tel. 058 400 41 87 / fabienne.ettlin@redcross.ch


Swiss Red Cross
migesplus, Werkstrasse 18, 3084 Wabern
Telephone +41 58 400 45 24

migesplus receives financial support from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).