You're a close friend or family member
This website is for adult loved ones. It is: for partners for other adult loved ones for friends With information pages in 8 other languages.
Addiction comes in many forms. It is usually a gradual process with devastating effects. The physical and social consequences are enormous, for the individuals directly concerned and their families. It is therefore all the more important to take action at the first signs of addiction. There is specific information and support for all the various forms of addiction:
From stimulants to the highly dangerous drug – alcohol. Alcohol addiction is a mental illness. It has severe physical, psychological and social effects that impact all areas of life. Loss of control and withdrawal symptoms are characteristic of addiction.
Die Stiftung Sucht – Schweiz ist das nationale Kompetenzzentrum für Prävention, Forschung und Wissensvermittlung im Suchtbereich.
Infodrog wurde vom Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) eingerichtet und koordiniert die Bemühungen zur Prävention und Behandlung von Suchtkrankheiten auf nationaler Ebene.
Suchtberatung bei Alkohol- und Drogenproblemen: online, persönlich oder durch Selbsttests.
This website is for adult loved ones. It is: for partners for other adult loved ones for friends With information pages in 8 other languages.
There are many sources of information and support for teenagers and young adults. Besides legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco, information is also available on illegal substances such as cannabis and synthetic drugs
Infodrog wurde vom Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) eingerichtet und koordiniert die Bemühungen zur Prävention und Behandlung von Suchtkrankheiten auf nationaler Ebene.
Die Stiftung Sucht – Schweiz ist das nationale Kompetenzzentrum für Prävention, Forschung und Wissensvermittlung im Suchtbereich.
Suchtberatung bei Alkohol- und Drogenproblemen: online, persönlich oder durch Selbsttests.
Smoking is still one of the most important topics in health promotion and disease prevention, as it contributes to many types of lung and heart diseases. Preventing nicotine addiction is particularly important among teenagers.
This brochure describes how parents can find a helpful way to deal with the issue of substance use among adolescents. It answers questions such as - My child doesn’t consume addictive substances. What to do to ensure it stays this way? - How can I tell if…
How can I support my teenager? What limits should be set? What to do when things get difficult? Who can help me? A site for parents on the following topics: - Alcohol - Tobacco - Cannabis - Screens - Video Games - Social networks - Parents - Nightlife +18…
When prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary and even important to take medicines. However, they can be harmful if not taken correctly. It is important to know that some medicines are addictive or can cause adverse side-effects. There are also things for children and older people to consider.
The video explains why medications can also harm, must be prescribed by a doctor, should not be given to children and where those affected can get help.
Every tenth person in Switzerland regularly takes medicine which can become addictive. According to conservative estimates, 60000 people are already addicted, and a further 170000 in serious danger of becoming addicted, to such medicines, mainly sleeping p…
Gambling is one of the non-substance addictions. It develops insidiously and has serious social and financial consequences, so timely education and prevention are all the more important. ms. Gambling is one of the non-substance addictions. It can manifest itself insidiously and can have serious (financial) consequences. This makes information and preventative measures all the more important.
Short films, explanatory images and flyers on the subject of gambling addiction. Two short films with relatives on the topic of gambling addiction: gambling.affects.relationships in which Amira and Maria tell their stories. The aim of the films is to she…
The national prevention campaign to highlight the dangers posed by everyday digital life is being expanded to include twelve new comic strip stories. Through its adventures, the fictional Webster family makes the population aware of how information and com…