Staying emotionally strong as a parent!
Infographic Recommendations for promoting the mental health of (future) parents and young children.
A mental health crisis can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or origin. It is important to promote and strengthen mental health in everyday life, as this can help prevent mental illness.
A person's mental wellbeing is not static, but rather a changing process that can be influenced. In the same way that we can better our physical health through diet and exercise, we can also improve our mental wellbeing. Discover effective methods for improving our psychological resilience.
Infographic Recommendations for promoting the mental health of (future) parents and young children.
Most people know how to promote their physical health - for example, through a healthy diet or daily exercise. It is also common knowledge that an intact environment and a good working environment are beneficial to health. Mental health, on the other hand,…
"Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide" is a stress management guide for coping with adversity. The guide aims to equip people with practical skills to help cope with stress. A few minutes each day are enough to practice the self-help…
Depression is one of the most common mental health issues. Over 5% of adults aged 15 and over are diagnosed with depression within a year (source: Obsan Bericht 15/2020 from the Swiss Health Observatory). Those affected and their relatives suffer enormously. It is important to get appropriate information and find professional support.
What makes you feel good? Here you can find some simple suggestions for everyday life. In addition to the video: "What makes you feel good?" (Leporello en 11 langues)
At its worst, depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people around the world live with depression. Many of these individuals and their families are afraid to talk about their struggles, and don't know where to turn for help. H…
People with a migration background suffer more often from severe depression than Swiss people do. Because of the migration process, they are exposed to a range of pressures that can foster depression. For this reason the brochure Depression can affect anyo…
Der Film «Zwischen Bangen und Hoffen» gibt psychisch erkrankten Menschen und deren Angehörigen ein Gesicht und eine Stimme. Er zeigt, was es heisst, mit einer psychischen Erkrankung zu leben. Sensibilisieren, aufklären, Empathie schaffen – das ist das Anli…
Mental illness is a huge burden on those affected and their families. In addition, the victims often withdraw into themselves because of the stigma of mental illness. With outside help, they can liberate themselves from this isolation.
Some people claim that alcohol, cannabis or other drugs helps them: - Feel better - Forget about their problems - Integrate within a group of friends - Pass time - Fall asleep These substances may give you the impression that your problems have gone awa…
What makes you feel good? Here you can find some simple suggestions for everyday life. In addition to the video: "What makes you feel good?" (Leporello en 11 langues)
Es gibt viele verschiedene psychische Krankheiten. Wir haben Kurzfilme für Jugendliche produziert, die die häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen erklären. Wichtig ist: Psychische Krankheiten werden von den Betroffenen ganz unterschiedlich erlebt. Die Filme b…
Mental well-being is important for an individual's quality of life. It is therefore important to promote mental health in preparation for stressful situations. In the event of a mental health crisis, it helps those affected to call in external support.
What makes you feel good? Here you can find some simple suggestions for everyday life. In addition to the video: "What makes you feel good?" (Leporello en 11 langues)
Kinder von Eltern mit einer psychischen Erkrankung sind mit grossen Herausforderungen konfrontiert und haben ein deutlich höheres Risiko, psychische Gesundheitsprobleme zu entwickeln. Doch Prävention ist möglich. Durch die Unterstützung von Eltern und Fami…
Strong mental health is a crucial part of the healthy development of children and teenagers. Family conflicts, a parent’s mental illness or problems with peers can disrupt this development. Caregivers provide security and are therefore particularly important.
Es gibt viele verschiedene psychische Krankheiten. Wir haben Kurzfilme für Jugendliche produziert, die die häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen erklären. Wichtig ist: Psychische Krankheiten werden von den Betroffenen ganz unterschiedlich erlebt. Die Filme b…
In Switzerland, an average of three people commit suicide every day. Three-quarters of them are men. The families of those concerned, their friends and acquaintances often bear the consequences for the rest of their lives. The reasons for suicidal tendencies are often complex and the suffering immense. And yet there are appropriate prevention, counselling and intervention services to help people at risk. The families can receive information about how to support those concerned and how to strengthen their own resources.
In May 2013, the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly adopted the first-ever Mental Health Action Plan of the World Health Organization (WHO). Suicide prevention is an integral part of the plan, with the goal of reducing the rate of suicide in countries by 10…