Breast cancer - Early detection through mammography
Early breast cancer detection – improved chances of recovery
German, French, Italian, English, Albanian, Macedonian, Croatian/serbian/bosnian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish
Breast screening by mammography is the best way to detect breast cancer as early as possible. The association swiss cancer screening, the Federal Office for Public Health, the Swiss cancer league and experts both in Switzerland and abroad recommend that women aged over 50 should be screened every two years as part of a quality-controlled breast cancer screening programme. The benefits of screening outweigh the risks.
Breast cancer screening is voluntary. The aim of this brochure is to inform you of the advantages and disadvantages. Please read it through carefully. Technical words and expressions are explained on page 18. It is important for you to be well informed and that each woman personally takes the decision to go for screening or not.
If you have any other questions, please contact the breast cancer screening programme in your canton.