Hello Aargau - Information for newly arrived people
Information about life in Aargau canton in various languages. Twelve categories (work, health, housing, etc.) cover everyday topics and answer frequently asked questions.
Albanian, Arabic, Croatian, English, Farsi/Persian /Dari, Italian, Japanese, Romansh, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Tamil, Tigrinya, Turkish, Ukrainian
The hello-Aargau.ch page provides new arrivals with important information to help them get off to a good start in the canton.
The information is broken down into twelve categories:
- Canton Aargau
- Good to know, e.g. public holidays, residence permits, third-party liability insurance, etc.
- Language and integration
- Relationships and children
- Schools and education
- Work
- Health
- Social security
- Housing
- Money and taxes
- Mobility
- Emergencies and counselling centres
The website is available in 15 different languages. Most of this information can be downloaded in PDF format.