Publications for professionals
Publications for professionals


Innovative education for a contemporary birth culture

__Midwife Refugee Kit__ This e-learning tool aims to educate and increase the competences of midwives and health workers, originating from the care of asylum-seeking families. The e-learning tool is part of the SHV continuing education catalogue and certified with 24 e-log points. __Migrant Birth Kit__ For many families with a migration background, access to birth preparation courses or midwifery care during pregnancy is very difficult due to linguistic, bureaucratic, but also organizational obstacles. The new video-based birth preparation course is available in available in the form of an app and in 16 languages. This makes it possible for families to participate flexibly in terms of time and regardless of location.Thanks to the wide range of topics, people with different realities of life are empowered to make their own informed decisions about pregnancy and birth. __Workshops__ Blended learning workshops are offered on request. Topics such as transcultural competence in care/ what to do about language barriers/ dealing with female genital mutilation/ racism in obstetrics etc. are covered .

Midwife Refugee Kit

This e-learning tool aims to educate and increase the competences of midwives and health workers, originating from the care of asylum-seeking families.

The e-learning tool is part of the SHV continuing education catalogue and certified with 24 e-log points.

Migrant Birth Kit

For many families with a migration background, access to birth preparation courses or midwifery care during pregnancy is very difficult due to linguistic, bureaucratic, but also organizational obstacles. The new video-based birth preparation course is available in available in the form of an app and in 16 languages. This makes it possible for families to participate flexibly in terms of time and regardless of location.Thanks to the wide range of topics, people with different realities of life are empowered to make their own informed decisions about pregnancy and birth.


Blended learning workshops are offered on request. Topics such as transcultural competence in care/ what to do about language barriers/ dealing with female genital mutilation/ racism in obstetrics etc. are covered .



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