Recommendations for using digital media for parents of adolescents
Titelbild Empfehlung digitale Medien Jugendliche

Recommendations for using digital media for parents of adolescents


German, Albanian, Arabic, Croatian/serbian/bosnian, English, Spanish, French, Farsi/Persian /Dari, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Thai, Tamil, Tigrinya, Turkish, Romansh

Digital media are omnipresent in the world today – and that particularly applies to adolescents. They have grown up with smartphones and the Internet, and use the opportunities they provide quite naturally. Nevertheless, it is important that they are guided in their use of media by parents and others close to them.

The focus should be on talking about the content but also the risks associated with using the Internet – with the aim of ensuring that young people use digital media responsibly and safely. They should be able to critically question both information and their own behaviour.

We hope our recommendations encourage you to take a positive and creative approach to the question of media use, to remain in touch with what interests adolescents, take their experiences and assessments seriously, and to consciously shape the way they use digital media.

Recommendations children up to the age of 7Recommendations children from 6 to 13
