Recommendations for using digital media for parents of children up to the age of 7
Titelbild Empfehlung Umgang digitalen Medien Kinder bis 7 Jahre EN

Recommendations for using digital media for parents of children up to the age of 7


German, French, Italian, Romansh, Albanian, Arabic, Croatian/serbian/bosnian, English, Spanish, Farsi/Persian /Dari, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Thai, Tamil, Tigrinya, Turkish

Digital media are omnipresent in the world today – and that applies to children too. Even the youngest children see how adults use a smartphone as well as how older brothers and sisters sit at a laptop or watch TV. Like everything that is new to them, digital media arouse their curiosity. As a parent, how should you deal with this?

One thing is certain: trying to keep children away from digital media is neither sensible nor realistic. Instead, it is important to show them how to use the media responsibly, choose age-appropriate content and guide the children in their media consumption. Children are individuals, their development varies, and so rules and limitations that are based entirely on their age are often not effective. Nevertheless, there are some criteria that parents and other key people in a child's life can use as a guide.

We hope our recommendations encourage you to take a positive and creative approach to the question of media use, to discover content together with your children, try out various device functions, and make conscious and considered decisions about the use of digital media.

Recommendations children 6-13 yearsRecommendations adolescents
