As a father, you want the best for your baby

As a father, you want the best for your baby


German, French, Italian, English

As a father, you want the best for your baby

Fathers today have a demanding task. They want to take responsibility for the family, be present in it and carry out their role as a father competently and lovingly. This is a great challenge, and sometimes it may feel overwhelming. Don't stress yourself out with guilt when you reach your limits. You can be sure: you are not the only one feeling this way! In this area of tension, you need to shape your role as a father so it suits you.

Choose your own path – invest in your relationship with your baby

Give your child nature's most precious food: breast milk

Breast milk is the best food to give your baby a healthy and strong start in life. Studies show: as a father, you have a big influence on whether and for how long your partner breastfeeds. Use it!

Breast milk is healthy.
It is tailored to your baby's needs.
Breastfeeding strengthens your child physically and emotionally.
Breastfed babies are sick less often.
